
Teta and Hayasa Set


Teta and Hayasa: Traditional Assyrian Attire Accessories for Special Occasions

Teta and Hayasa are essential elements of traditional Assyrian attire, specially reserved for significant cultural events and celebratory occasions, most notably weddings.

Teta: This elegant headpiece is typically worn atop a scarf known as poshiya. It is an integral part of the attire when donning khomala, the traditional Assyrian clothing ensemble.

Hayasa: A graceful belt designed to encircle the waist complements the khomala attire. This belt is a quintessential component of women's traditional Assyrian clothing.

Please note that Teta and Hayasa are not crafted from silver and are specifically tailored to accommodate a 107cm waist measurement. Additionally, for those who desire more flexibility, we offer Hayasa extensions to enlarge the belt as needed. These accessories are a tribute to Assyrian heritage, ready to elevate your attire for your next special occasion.


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